If anyone has more doubts check out his facebook page.
The guy is NOT fit to teach game.
He needs to become about 1000x cooler and get his identity sorted out. That's why girls think he's creepy. Just look at his facebook photos. Probably one of the most awkward people you'll see in your life.
His page can be found here:
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Holy fuck.............those pics do make him look creepy as fuck........he looks like a child molester.........
I met the dude once at some art museum years ago..........he was hanging out with the "chicago lair" there that night.........I talked to the dude for like 15 minutes and got away from him because he was weirding me out.........
Check out that old lady with her hand on the doc's shoulder!! Escalate doc, ESCALATE!! Jesus christ man: fake sideburns, a fucking feather boa, magician tux jacket = douche scenester. Hey doc, didn't u read the rulebook? Get that fucking drink down to your side like a true alpha. HA HA!!! He just flushed a half million dollar, 12 year degree down the fucking shitter.
I have no clue who that douche is. But the jacket it DOPE. Fuck the suit though.
It would go well with my cheetah speedo and blue snakeskin cowboy boots.
I am going to message him and find out where I could get me one of those. Ya think he would let me borrow it if I was REALLY good friends with him on facebook?
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I used to be exactly like this guy, in fact I have probably have a post saying that somewhere
let's see if I can predict his next post, what would my past fanboy self say?
1. detail all of my 1337 pickup skills and all the girls I fucked
2. if you don't do pickup you will fail with girls and life
3. reframe everything into something about negativity and optimism
4. laugh at my awesome lifestyle since it is utopia
5. defend one of the puas who is 'legit'
6. say i don't have time for this yet write a long diatribe
do u see how even though ur a creepy bastard that girls will take pics with u or shit like that when deep down inside they think your a creepy motherfucking homosexual pedo bastard! AND GUYS MISINTERPRET THAT FOR ATTRACTION. what is infact happening is something called "tend and befriend" which is what women do when they are in the presence of a threat. Men have the "fight or flight response" instead.
This thread is FANTASTIC!!!!!!! and awesome POST!!!!!!
Now imagine every damn PUA out there with pics tryna brag that hes the man or some shit.
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you fuck a hot australian tonight? wow, we jealous, you're da man!! we give you validation validation validation validation validation validation validation validation validation
you like? here's some more: validation validation validation validation validation validation validation validation validation validation validation validation
you fuck hot australian yeah? you mpua you! who said there's no mpua? it's you, you're the first!!
tell us about some more girls you fuck, please please please!!!! we want to hear how awesome you are, we know you want to tell!!
oh wait, i kj yes? i hater yes? my english bad yes? you fuck tonight, me not, you much better yes? i reactive and stupid yes? you waaay ahead of everyone here yes? i'm troll yes? i live in my mother's basement yes? i suck your dick for $5 yes?